Being Mean is Cool

Posted on 12:11 PM by SarahMichelle | 1 comments

American Idol won't ever be the same when Simon Cowell leaves.  He might be one of the most entertaining parts about the show.  Wanna-be singers don't make it past his scathing honesty and those who do, have really asked for it as the contest progresses.  Simon is known for saying the harsh truth - which in and of itself is not a bad thing.  The thing is he says those truths with pretty much no regard as to how the person may feel because of what he has said.  Though the people targeted sometimes have their own choice things to say back, viewers love it.  He is the lack of feeling that holds the show together.

House has been a success since its release in November 2004.  The show starring Hugh Laurie as the infamous character Gregory House tells the story of an astonishingly talented doctor with a toxic attitude and his team who take on seemingly unexplainable illnesses in patients and heal them.  The catchphrase for the USA network's advertisement of the series is "the character everyone loves to hate."  House is narcissistic and brutally honest.  He has no trouble telling people (including patients) they are ugly or fat or freaks - just as examples.  If you got rid of House though, there would be no show.

Bravo is constantly coming out with new reality-type shows.  One of the latest is called Kell on Earth (notice the play on 'hell on earth' - just making sure you got it:)).  The premise of the show is based on a woman named Kell and her fashion show creating team.  In the promos for the show, in one scene Kell is heard to say, "We aren't really mean but we'll say mean things to you for sure."  Her business partner asks someone interviewing her, "You say I'm a bitch as if its a bad thing."  I really doubt the show would have even made it off the drawing board without the meanness factor from those involved.  On the same note, Bravo has come out with shows very similar to this such as Tabitha's Salon Takeover and Real Housewives of Orange County (which I don't think is a Bravo original, but that's where I've seen it).

More mainstream shows like The Bachelor, Survivor, and Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney also include that mean aspect that keeps it interesting.  Jake, the current bachelor, is not mean himself but the girls definitely can be mean to each other (and we love it!)  The people on Survivor actually survive by making friends and enemies and will probably end up saying or doing mean things to both groups.  Wizards is probably one of my more disturbing examples.  Alex, played by Selena Gomez, has a surprisingly bad attitude and can be, in my opinion, unexpectedly rude.  And she is a role model for our kids.

How do I know about all this?  Because I watch (or have seen advertisements) of them.  That means I'm totally into this wave of unkind words myself.  It is definitely entertaining.  Sometimes I find myself a little embarrassed for whoever is being told off by Simon and want to turn away but keep watching because, well, its funny!  I guess what I am saying though, is that this idea that being mean is "cool" may not stick in the real world.  People may appreciate honesty but don't normally take it well when it is said in a rude fashion.  Most people aren't being paid millions of dollars like Simon to speak his mind however he wants. Kids are not going to make friends through being mean (nor am I).  Do we really want to continue to portray such an image through so many different genres?  This is just how I see it.  Maybe I'm wrong.  But I don't think so.

(*Okay, this is my real post for this blog.  I want to go ahead and publish it although I'd like to spend more time with it.  Maybe I will later.  For now, here it is.  Don't judge too harshly:))


Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head Sarah. Why is it that mean and rude people are so entertaining?? I guess, one word: drama. I'm rather thankful that most people aren't like that in the real world-well at least in my little protected world. Keep 'em coming Sarah!

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